Our inspiration
Our Masterpiece

"I don’t often think about myself as a black woman in my industry. However, when I meet other black women at work whether in senior leadership or not, I’m excited to see other people that look like me and I’m inspired by their success. As much as I don’t think about it as such, I realise in those moments how important representation is."
"Being a black girl in multiple creative industries means a lot to me. My talent in YouTube, Fine art, spoken word poetry goes beyond my blackness. I do acknowledge it but how I impact the YouTube world, the poetry world, the social media influencing world, the visual art world being black just adds a plus. It’s like wow Chloe Carter does this, this & that plus she’s black ouuu WINNINGGG!"
"There was always these questions filled with doubt. You have to set these aside and GO FOR IT. Achievement takes effort...To get where you want to go you have to work for it. Don’t glamourise things in life. Achievement is hard even if you love what you do, it is hard."
"1. Don’t compare yourself to others.
2. Have no fear.
3. Don’t be scared to make mistakes or ask questions.
4. Do it now!! (Whatever it is, studying, a career move, a sabbatical). Just do it."
"Anything is possible with the right frame of mind."
"Invest in yourself and take the time to do the inner work. All the things you will learn from that will help you prepare you for everything that life will bring."
"Your authenticity is your superpower. Be yourself! Fight to ensure that you retain your freedom of expression. When it comes to life and making decisions, everyone will always have an opinion but make sure your opinion is the one you value the most. Make sure you can look in the mirror at the end of every day and know you didn’t compromise yourself. You are beautiful!"
"Over the years, I’ve learned that the more comfortable you are with your own skin, voice, hair, height and more, the easier it is to stand confidently and produce in your environment. One analogy I like to use is the process of germination. There are some foods such as potatoes or onions that even without perfect conditions e.g., soil and direct sunlight, thrive naturally because they have everything inside them to grow. If you compare something that was manufactured artificially, it will either stagnate or die in certain conditions. My advice to young girls is even if your environment is telling you that you’re not experienced enough, too loud, too quiet etc, this doesn’t have to be your story. You have agency to change the narrative, to rewrite it and become the person that God has naturally called you to be."
"My advice to other young black girls is impossible is nothing! So many times, along my path I was told that what I was trying to achieve was impossible. It was impossible for a young black girl from South East London to make it to the bar. Impossible if she had also attended a comprehensive secondary school. Impossible If she did not attend Oxbridge. Impossible if she didn’t have the right network and so on. At various stages in my journey, I allowed those voices to penetrate and impact myself belief. I shouldn’t have. I truly believe that with a plan, the right discipline and focus, anything is possible. You can do it girl!!"
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